Terms Of Service

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information provided on this website is for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Always seek a physician for advice on an medical condition, treatment, and before taking any new products for your health. DO NOT dismiss their advice based on the information provided on this website.


Refunds/Cancellations - We do not provide refunds or cancellations for any reason including delays in shipping,  backorders, or/once received. Should there be an error on our part, we will refund or cancel the order. Or purchasing the wrong digital service due to the nature of the product.

If for any reason a purchase is not authorized by you, you must notify us within 24 hours to be eligible for a refund.  

Digital products are non-refundable.

I'm aware of the processing/shipping time,  I'm aware that I'm purchasing these product(s), I have read the shipping policy, & understand the statement about damages to the product. If I’m missing the oregano oil, I only have a week from date of purchase to notify the company. I also acknowledge that if I'm purchasing any digital product it is non-refundable, & if it's the oregano oil, a refund is eligible if the company is notified within a week. The oregano oil has to be received first before a refund can be issued. Faliure to provide correcting shipping information, will result in the customer paying shipping fees to have item reshipped.